Image of the Day

Image of the Day

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

And Islands of Eros is... OFF!

Though by that I mean we're off and running, not canceled.

Now that the group is FINALLY listed on Yahoo! Groups listings (look for Islands of Eros on the Yahoo! Groups' search bar) hopefully we can start bringing in members and getting things off the ground.

The next posting on ErosIsles (the Adult Erotica RPG game) will be this weekend, starting with a several post look at the different island nations of Eros.

In the meantime I'm working on a first batch of reviews for Islands, I should have something up by the weekend.

Otherwise come on over and visit. We could use more members!
(Of course I don't need to remind you it's adults only, right? Right.)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Changeling Press' Xmas Gift To Me... a uniform across the board rejection notice

Yeah. Nothing says Christmas cheer like an across the board unified rejection on the basis that they don't publish Lesbian (Erotica)... yeah, all the weeks I've waited you would have thought THAT important detail could have been brought up sometime before the last week before Christmas. Somehow I should be more miffed at the bad timing of the company's notification, and yet I'm not.

Won't stop me from writing a commentary on it at the new site I got up and running (a Yahoo! Group dedicated to Erotica fiction, reviews, news & commentary and my work in progress Adults Only Erotica d20 System RPG called ErosIsles).

Come visit me at to check it out!