CardCaptor Sakura Remastered II Episode 10 (10)
“Well kids it’s December and you know what that means. Now as you all know the Second Annual NamoCatCat Corp. Holiday Spectacular (raising money for Tokyo’s first Toys for Tots branch office) is coming up and the mega fundraiser is featuring this school again as it’s main
Keiko - “Because your CHEAP!!”
Misho’s fur riles abit as she turns her cat like Neko eyes onto Keiko and scowls at her.
Keiko - “And giving me the “evil eye” won’t cut it either, el cheapo!”
“I’M NOT CHEAP!! I’M TRADITIONAL!!” (Misho huffs her breath) “Lots of businesses feature local schools in their events! IT’S NOT BEING CHEAP!! Last year Sakura’s class partnered up with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra dammit! Is that cheap?”
Keiko - “Didn’t they donate their time for the event and the whole thing was a big tax write off for you---”
“Your just freaking evil, you know that?” (Misho snarls as she turns back to the board) “This year we’re doing a play---” (“Big surprise”) “---and it’s going to be---” (“Sleeping Beauty”) “---DO YOU MIND?!?” (Misho stomps her feet in anger) “You want to prattle off then be my guest!”
Keiko - “No, no, not at all. Go on. Feel free. It’s a free country and all. Excessively free.”
Rebecca - “Speaking of cheap, have you done your shopping yet?”
Keiko - “Yeah, yeah. You know I did so shove off. I happen to like shopping online for bargains! Do you mind you freak of nature you?”
“Yeah I mind---” (Misho turns and regards Mr. Terada) “What?!”
“Then don’t stare! It’s rude!” (clears throat) “Alright. It IS Sleeping Beauty BUT---” (pauses for dramatic effect) “---it’s the Musical version!”
Misho - “Not the Disney we’re going to sing all the songs from the movie version.”
Keiko - “And some new ones. As for the dream counterpart of the House of Mouse? Disney just so happened to had needed a little financial bailout (they always need financial bailout it seems) and I provided the bailout. IN EXCHANGE they gave me the right to produce this musical (and get it airtime on TV Tokyo) to the standards of the original animation! (amongst other things they‘ve given me the rights back to…)”
At that Keiko leans back in her chair, grinning from ear to ear like the cat that ate the proverbial goldfish “Well boys and girls, culture is dying today -- weep for it.”
“OH F---” (Misho stops herself short) “---dry up.”
Keiko - “If only this was a lemon then you could cuss to your heart’s content.”
“If this was a lemon I’d make you my bi---” (Misho sighs) “---let’s just pick the damn roles (I see everyone gawking at me so let’s get this over with). (And I loved the concert last year so up yours!)--- Kaho Mitsuki recommended we play a drop and roll game---”
“Ladder game.” Ms. Mitsuki corrected, only to be glared at by Misho. “I know that!” (Misho growled) “It’s the same as the Neko Drop & Roll game so big deal it’s a Ladder! Hmph. Just come up already and sign the paper so we get this over with. And you two losers sign up too! We‘re short a few roles so we need some filler ins for the roles, and I‘ll sign too.”
As everyone signs their names Keiko watches Sakura sign, then signs the board herself.
Rebecca follows Tomoyo, then turns to Keiko. “Did you do it?” Keiko asked.
“Forge Nina’s name in Winterian? Yeah. You?”
Nina - “Eliza. In Winterian.”
Both take their seats as Sakura walks up to Tomoyo after signing.
“What roles you think we’re going to get---” (stops as Tomoyo hugs her) “I hope you’re the princess this year! I want to make your outfit!! It‘d be so beautiful!!”
Tomoyo - “Then we’ll “break it in”! Oh goddess have I got a beautiful Revolutionary Girl Utena sex fantasy to try out! You’d be Utena, I’d be Anthy and GODDESS WHAT JOY!!”
“? ? ?” (Keiko looks on confused as Tomoyo, in her mind‘s eye, slowly drifts off and out of her range to communicate with her) “T-t-tomoyo--chan? Tomoyo? Hello?”
Rebecca, watching the two, leans back in her chair. Casually she glances over at Keiko. “Think she knows that Tomoyo wants to make love to her in her prince outfit like that?”
Keiko - “Uh… no, not a chance. She won’t figure it out until they’re in bed doing it… goddess is this Utena hentai really that fun?” (sighs) “I wanna be Utena too!”
“You two shouldn’t be so wary.” (Kaho)
Rebecca sighs miserably, turning her gaze over at the source of her discontentment. “Oh. It’s YOU. The walking 8-ball. Somebody shake you much today?” (sighs again) “Alright, I’ll bite. Be wary about what? It‘ll all be over soon?”
Kaho - “You’ll see him again soon enough.”
Both Keiko/Rena look at her oddly, then at each other. “Back to your seats.”
Both turn away briefly--- sweatdropping, teeth clenched as one thinks of---
Tomoyo - “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing---” Keiko responds quickly. “Just nothing.”
As the roles are read everyone watches.
* * * * * *
“Again? Sakura’s the prince AGAIN?!?” Kero sighs, picking up his food again and going back at it with vigor. “You think they got over that one last time, Sakura doing the whole dressing up as a prince thing that probably inspired the creation of Utena and all but---” (voiced in a muffled eating way) “Any difference this time out?”
Tomoyo looked positively radiant about the decision, “I’ve made improvements to the design! I was inspired by Lord of the Rings and Revolutionary Girl Utena combined!! THIS WILL BE SO MUCH FUN!!”
“Well at least one of you is overjoyed.” Nina remarks, poking at her own food. “Is this edible--- ouch! Eliza!”
“Behave. It tastes great, thank you Sakura.” (Eliza eats a bite) “So whose the princess? There’s no Syaoran Li this time so it must be Tomoyo.”
Tomoyo - “No. I’m narrator again.” (sighs) “But I’m going to be the understudy so I’ll have the chance to make my own princess outfit…” (smiles) “…it’ll be so Anthy-like!”
Eliza - “Then who---”
Sakura fiddles with her fingers, looking rather distressed, then finally---
“Hah hah… for a second there I thought you said MY Eliza is your princess…”
Nina shakes her head. “Can’t be! We didn’t even sign up for the thing, so how can…”
“Keiko & Rebecca forged your names, and Mr. Terada really needs the roles filled so he didn‘t complain about it.”
Nina faints, tumbling out of her chair with a loud thud.
“Pity Keiko & Rebecca didn’t sign their own names.” Eliza laments.
“Well actually…” Nina muttered from the floor.
* * * * * *
Keiko spewed, her face scrunched up, as Eve gave her a backrub. “Didn’t you two forge Nina & Eliza’s names in Winterian on the board?”
“That’s different! At least we didn’t forge it in one sentence! I can’t believe she did it! And she even had the perfect solution for why our names were in one spot, let alone in Neko! The evil thing!!”
“I’m sure.”
“She is evil!” Keiko countered, “She is! She--- your just saying that to make me feel better.”
“---aw man---”
* * * * * *
“It was decided by a ladder game!” Sakura cried, looking rather distressed.
“IT SHOULDN’T COUNT IF WE DIDN’T SIGN IT!! (IT’S EVIL!!) (And since when do they allow participation signing through absentee representation?!?)”
“---never mind---” Nina waved off Sakura’s confused glances, “But why Eliza though? Why not Tomoyo? I mean that is such a given it should have been her!”
“It was decided by---”
“A ladder game, yeah, yeah, I got that part---” (Nina collapses onto the table) “---the part I’m NOT getting is how we got shanghaied into this in the first place!”
Tomoyo was not put off by the turn of events, “I’m sure Eliza will be a cute princess! I’m going to make her outfit too! She is Sakura’s partner after all--- what’s that noise?”
Eliza motions at Nina, “That’s Nina’s teeth grinding together, best not mention the “p” word.”
Tomoyo - “Sakura’s partner?”
(the grinding becomes louder)
Eliza - “Yes, that. Please stop it.”
Nina pounded her fists into the floor, “Why couldn’t she have gotten kids from another class to fill vacancies!?”
“They’re all in the program in some capacity, Nina! There was no kids left to pick! And Ms. Mitsuki chose the---”
“Chose the game to hand out the roles. Yeah, yeah, Sakura, I got that part just fine thank you very much… I hate “drop & roll”.”
Sakura sweatdrops, “What‘s Drop & Roll, Nina?”
“Drop and Roll. Drop and Roll. The Nekochanian version of--- oh why the hell do I bother having any form of intelligent conversation with YOU anyway!!” (Nina sighs as she glares at Sakura) “I hate you.” (silence) “But still, fair being fair and all it’s inappropriate for a young woman to be the romantic love partner of an older woman, even in a play, they should have picked someone Sakura’s age. She shouldn’t be here.”
Eliza turns towards Nina confused. “Who shouldn’t be here?”
“Ms. Mitsuki.“ Nina replied, “The last time Ms. Mitsuki came into play when the Cards were
originally loose she ended up being a catalyst for dreadful things to come. I’m just wary that she may be the bearer of similar bad tidings if we’re not careful. I don‘t want the same bad ending to come about as before--- we have to be careful--- besides which I can‘t leave Sakura alone with a mature woman, her hormones will spin out of control!”
“Eliza is a enchanting woman and a beautiful goddess to behold--- and your weak minded.”
“Sakura can’t keep her hands off of Eliza’s curves.”
“You betcha!” (laughs uncomfortably)
Tomoyo comforts Sakura as Eliza raps Nina across the head again (to get her to behave).
* * * * * *
So, as the days passed everyone rehearsed, and rehearsed, and rehearsed.
Incidents broke out, some people deadpanned their performance (saving their real potential for the stage) and others didn’t show up at all (Keiko had to be dragged to rehearsal by Eve each and every day)).
Finally, the night of the performance came and everyone was ready… almost.
“I wish they did the concert thing again.” Keiko sighed irritably. “I’d even play an instrument if it meant ditching this play idea.”
“Well it’s too late now so you’ll have to bear through it.” Eve whispers, leaning against Keiko’s body as she does. “They’ll be great.”
Keiko - “It’s not them I’m worried about.”
* * * * * *
Meanwhile, in the audience.
Gaia - “It’s too cold. Where’s the main central heating?”
Umi - “Probably shut off. You know how cheap Misho is---” (“I’M NOT CHEAP!!”) “---anyway it’s almost time for Mistress Sakura’s performance. Hope it’s heartwarming… mostly since the liquids in my body are freezing into the consistency of jello in here. It‘s like the time she
captured me all over again, I didn‘t like that one bit… don‘t like it now.”
Gaia - “Too bad about Mistress Sonomi. I wish she could have been here.”
Umi - “She gave me one of Mistress Tomoyo’s cameras to film with so I’m ready to go. (she wanted to come too, too bad) Anyway, Mistress Sakura’s class is next.”
Gaia - “What is Mistress doing?”
Umi - “Something about a beauty that sleeps a lot. Sleeping Beauty--- think it’s a case of sleeping sickness but who can say with these misrepresented tales of the good old days.”
Gaia - “They were actually good?”
Umi - “Please don’t push me out of my happy space… goddess, it‘s freezing in here!”
* * * * * *
“It’s almost curtain time!”
Keiko - “Big deal, I ouch! Eve!”
Rebecca - “Whatever.”
“Geez!” Misho growls, walking amongst the group, “You’d think some of you were going to your own funerals the way your moping about!”
Keiko - “Can I go to my own funeral? It’d be better than this. At least it‘d be catered.”
Rebecca - “Bury me now (catering or not), my acting debut is done.”
“CUT IT OUT!!” (sighs) “Just go out there, break a leg (it’d be an improvement for some of you) because we have a VERY LARGE audience to please--- not to put too much stress on you because you know it’s being televised, right?“
“Oh, sure, heaven forbid the pressure get cranked up NOW.“ Keiko scoffs. (Not amusing Misho in the slightest as she gives Keiko a brief dirty stare before going back to her speech, “Just as long as we don’t talk about you know… that. Don‘t talk about it and we‘ll be fine.”
“About what?” Everyone shrugs, confused to what she was talking about.
“Hamlet! Your not supposed to talk about Hamlet before a performance because it’s bad luck! (Don’t any of you know anything about the arts?!?) That’s why nobody before a play talks about Hamlet because talking about Hamlet is bad luck and---” (silence) “---that didn’t
count. That rant about Hamlet didn’t count (or that reminder). Just don’t talk about it after now. OK? OK--- now if nobody needs me for anything I’m going to go drown a puppy or something equally constructive.” (walks off in a huff)
As Sakura enters backstage a lot of wows and oohs follow her.
“Sakura! You look majorly hot!” someone calls out.
“Hmmm--- a cross between a musketeer and Aragorn from LotR--- not bad. Cute actually---” Keiko remarks. “I guess that means the princess is going to look like what’s her name?”
“Where’s the princess?” Rebecca asks, drawing everyone’s attention to look about. As they look, Keiko takes a brief peek behind her and quickly turns around. “What’s wrong, Keiko?”
“I just saw Terada and Rika kissing, Eve.”
“Not just kiss-kiss. I mean romantic, full out tongue action lover’s kiss-kiss. If this wasn‘t already pre-guaranteed that I never have to find out about that kind of action in the merry land of Sakura I‘d swear he was craving a little Rika for after the show! (Sorta like Innocence from Icarus Publishing but hopefully not in the bad way).”
Eve - “They’re married so it’s OK. They‘re allowed to be as lemony as they want.”
Sakura - “Well sure if you put it that way and they‘re---say what---”
“What’s wrong, Rika? You’re all red---”
Sakura, an actress in need of a clue to purchase. Keiko, in need of a sponge to clear the last thought Eve put into her head (and an explanation about what Eve just told her).
“Where’s Princess Eliza?” (Chiharu)
“I’ve been wondering that myself---” (Rebecca)
Keiko - “Tomoyo must have finished her costume by now.”
Eve - “She did. It took her a few days to finish it. She’s putting it on Eliza now.”
“---nNO!! No! No! NO!!”
Silence as everyone turns towards the dressing area. With slight trepidation in her steps, Sakura goes to investigate., peeking behind the curtains. “WOW!!”
Both Tomoyo & Eliza were dressed in identical costumes. “I’m not so sure. I mean, I feel like I’m betraying Nina--- and sure you’ll be my understudy if I collapse or something, and that’s OK and all, but what’s with this wig? It’s uncomfortable and I already have blonde hair. And this costume feels all awkward (snug like a glove but still)--- I don’t know!! Can‘t you take my place now? This is making me sick to my stomach!!”
(Tomoyo’s not listening because she’s entirely satisfied with her work)
“That’s so cute!!”
Eliza scowls at Sakura, “Only Nina can say that about me, Sakura!!” (storms for backstage) “I quit. Tomoyo’s all dressed up so she can be me! (Knew getting her to make that costume was a good idea!)”
Tomoyo - “But it looks good on you.”
Eliza snarled at the thought, “So does a certain brand of gum according to commercials I’ve seen but THAT’S NOT THE POINT! The point is I feel awkward being romantic to Sakura! She’s your lover, you be the princess! The only “prince” I want to kiss won‘t even be near me! Take my place!”
Tomoyo shook her head, “I’m the narrator.”
Eliza - “---” (?) “So I’ll narrate! Let’s swap places! You’re my understudy anyway, and I don’t like wearing this! It’s all fluffy and I’m going to fall on my face walking in this, and it‘s not like talking is such a big deal! Why do I have to wear this?”
Tomoyo - “Because you’re the princess.”
Eliza didn‘t like that answer one bit, “I didn’t ask to be anything in this play! I just quit. Nobody can make me be the princess because I didn’t sign up for this in the first place so being signed in against my will doesn’t count.”
Sakura - “Pwhee?”
Eliza pointed at the door in a rage, “I quit. There. Is that simple enough for you to grasp? Me Quitee Now. Phht.” (with that Eliza turns to walk off (again)), but not before Tomoyo stops her with her one weakness). “Really? That’s too bad. I know Nina is in costume and she wouldn’t do it unless you were in the play. She’d feel rather betrayed if you were to suddenly ditch and leave her in the play all alone and---”
“---your evil---” (with that Eliza turns and walks right back into the play with the others cheering her on) “I hate it when she uses Nina against me.”
* * * * * *
“Is it starting?” Gaia cried out numbly, “(My hands are beginning to go numb from the cold!)”
“Clap often, it’ll keep the blood circulating.” (Umi holds the camera up) “Good thing this unit has a heating device and compensates for vibrations and jitters.”
Gaia - “Heating unit? Really? Let me shove that camera down my top during intermissions, maybe my panties too if it’ll fit--- I’m freezing my pedals off!” (sighs miserably) “How can they do this in such a cold climate!”
* * * * * *
Tomoyo‘s voice boomed loud as the lights dimmed and the narrative began.
“Once upon a time, a King and his Queen lived in a castle…” (musical sting, followed by projected images from the animated movie) “For a long time they had wished for a child…” (another musical sting and more images)
“That’s Mistress Tomoyo.” (Gaia whispers) “I’m going to ask her for a thermal insulation heated formal dress for Christmas, somebody should have put “winter wear“ instead of “formal wear‘ on the invitation! Damn them.”
The curtain opens on royal court (same cast as last time this play was done in same roles with the exception of a bodyguard (played by Rena and one male who used to be a fairy which was now played by Eve, who stood a head/shoulders taller over the other two fairies as they
walked in))
“Finally a princess was born. They named her Princess Aurora. The King and Queen rejoiced her birth and held a great banquet---” (“If this is a banquet where’s the food---” Rena sighed under her breath, stomach rumbling slightly) “---All of the people in the country celebrated the birth of the princess.”
“Look at me! I’m festive!” Keiko whispers, looking rather odd.
Misho sighed irritably, “That’s cute, “Ed”. Will you ever disappoint me?”
“Yes I will…” (?) “…is it me or do the props look ultra real?”
Misho sighed as she lightly motioned about the stage with her free hand, “Holosystem onstage for ultra real effects. It’ll really pay off with the grand finale.”
“What do you---” (Misho walks off before she can question her further). “---whatever.”
Narrator (Tomoyo) - “Not only the people, but the fairies as well, came to with the princess well to celebrate her birth.”
“One obviously playing part time for the WNBA.” Nina remarks from her spot off stage.
Fairy #1 (Chiharu) - “We celebrate the birth of Princess Aurora from the bottom of our hearts.”
Fairy #3 (Naoko) - “We would like to give the princess our gifts.”
Musical Number - The Birth of the Princess.
Nina - “?” (looking at script) “Where did this come from?”
Keiko - “Already? We’re barely out the gate and a musical number kicks in?” (sighs) “I’m going online to play World of Warcraft for awhile, let me know when the singing stops and my ears stop bleeding.”
* * * * * *
A few minutes later---
Fairy #1 (Chiharu) - “I give you beauty worthy of the shimmering northern aurora that gives you your name.”
Fairy #2 (Eve) - (smooth as silk voice) “I give you a beautiful voice to rival the songbirds…”
Fairy #3 (Naoko) - “I give you---”
Laughter, as all eyes turn to the back of the auditorium.
There, in costume and in role, was Yamazaki. Next to him, dressed as a cross between---
“Sailor Saturn & the grim reaper?” (Misho)
“Somebody’s been working Tomoyo overtime it seems.” (Keiko)
---was Nina, holding a menacing weapon similar to Sailor Saturn---
“That’s DeathScyther.” (Keiko)
“That’s DeathScyther, Misho, remember? The prop weapon used by Trooper Saturn during the recently revivied Sailor Troopers storyline. It never saw the light of day until recently, but that’s it alright.”
Witch (Yamazaki) - “Such a grand party, but it seems I did not receive an invitation---”
Henchbeing (Nina) - “Most unfortunate… for them.”
Fairy #1 (Chiharu) - “Who would invite an evil witch like yo---?!”
(Nina shoves out DeathScyther menacingly, glaring at Chiharu as she did), “Shut your yap, loud mouthed little pixie!” (Yamazaki reaches out and pulls down the weapon abit as he speak) “An evil witch?” (catches Nina’s attention) “Now who could that be?”
Silence, then the two start walking to the stage, the rhythmic clik-clak of DeathScythe
striking the cold floor as Nina walked forward the only sound to be heard.
Guard 1 (male) (whisper) - “Yamazaki’s really getting into it, isn’t he?”
Guard 2 (Rebecca) (whisper) - “He’s freaking me out… Nina’s freaking me, too.”
Witch (Yamazaki) (the two have now entered the stage, DeathScyther still clacking against the flooring as Nina walks forward one step behind Yamazaki) “I thought my invitation might have been misplaced.”
Queen (Rika) - “We are so sorry. But we had heard that you didn’t like parties---”
Witch (Yamazaki) - “True, oh so very true. I do so hate parties, but… then again… I hate being ignored that much more than I hate parties. Agreed?”
Henchbeing (Nina) - “Of course. It’s as if they don’t respect your power, Mistress.”
Guard 2 (Rebecca) (whisper) - “Nina calling someone “Mistress”, now there’s a twist.”
Guard 1 (male) (whisper) - “Yamazaki’s good at acting like a girl.”
Guard 2 (Rebecca) (whisper) - “Mind your manners.”
Witch (Yamazaki) - “The precious princess finally born to this country. Let me give you a gift too.” (silence as a lone spotlight falls on Yamazaki and the baby‘s resting place, the audience hushes and listens aptly to every word) “You will be beautiful, noble and kind. Loved by the people of the country, you will know happiness--- until you turn 16! ON YOUR SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY, PRINCESS AURORA WILL PRICK HER FINGER ON A SPINDLE--- AND DIE!!!” (loud thunder, loud strains of music)
Rebecca chuckles softly, nudging the male guard next to her, “Heh, heh, he said “prick”.”
“STAY YOUR PLACE!!” (Nina swings DeathScyther about, inches from Rebecca’s throat, her face filled with a frightening darkness. As the two backed off stage, only Yamazaki’s laughter could be heard). “Sheesh… somebody’s overwound.”
Meanwhile, back in the audience.
“Why was the evil witch a guy? (Nina being his henchbeing was scary too, and Eve is just too big to be a believable fairy).” Umi remarked.
“It was rather interesting though, huh? (the witch was my favorite!)”
Both Eliza (off stage) and Chiharu are in shock, as for Eliza it’s because for all the time she’s been with Nina she’s never seen her like that before. Rebecca takes a deep shaky breath, whispering silently “Good thing I’m wearing protection--- man that was disturbing.”
“HOW COULD SHE?!” (Chiharu, giving Rebecca a second shock nearly sending her backwards into a row of party guests) “Don’t do that!!” Rebecca hisses, “I’m not a well woman right now!”
“Princess Aurora will die---” (Rika)
“Is there no way to remove the witch’s curse?”
Fairy #3 (Naoko) - “I still haven’t given the princess my gift.” (silence at all eyes focus on her) “On her 16th birthday, Princess Aurora may prick her finger on a spindle, but she will not die. She will only sleep. The kiss of true love will break the evil spell, and awaken her from her sleep.”
Curtain closes, act ends.
“That was great… it warmed my nearly frozen heart (and vital organs)” Gaia mumbled half cold, “…but I didn’t see Mistress anywhere. Where was she?”
“She’ll be along soon, Gaia, she said she would be.” Umi assured her, trying to keep her warm.
* * * * * *
“Is there any sanctuary from the musical numbers here?” Keiko said as she stepped into the narrator’s booth, “Not all of them are being sung by someone as good as Tomoyo you know, and my therapist warned me against further trauma this week. She said something about it being bad for my mental health and all that.”
“Come in, come in.” Jack said, motioning for her to sit as they prepared for the next scene, the musical number in the forest was already underway below them. “Eliza didn’t want to do the singing parts so Tomoyo ran down to do the forest musical scene.” (looks on) “She sings beautifully, doesn’t she.”
“Yeah.” Keiko agrees, “I can see why Sakura is so in love with her. A great deal of the things she does she does beautifully.” (sighs as she leans back in her chair) “So how long before we see Eliza step out?”
“Tomoyo does a bang up job as announcer, right---” (thoughts) ‘And Kero’s hanging with Tomoyo because Nina said her singing was one of the reasons he came.’ (pauses before she notices Jack watching her) “Keiko--- anything else?”
A long awkward silence follows, until finally he motions for Keiko to say what’s on her mind.
“Why did Catherine show up? I thought you were---”
“I’m not supposed to be involved, remember? No Raven intervention.”
Keiko shook her head, looking at him sternly. “She’s a Raven, and she’s intervening. Is that supposed to be so right while your so wrong?”
“Not the way you think.” (Jack turns away for a second to regard Keiko) “I keep out of everyone’s way and watch from the background. Catherine keeps an eye on things while in the glaring light of scrutiny, and in turn is watched while she keeps the spotlight off me.”
Keiko - “So she’s supposed to be in everyone’s face so you can act with impunity while she gets the attention drawn to her. That your idea?”
Jack - “You know it wasn’t my idea. It was her’s and I’m beginning to suspect the same as you about her involvement in this situation.”
Silence. Then Keiko asks the obvious.
“She’s not over it--- is she?”
Jack shakes his head, “Remember the end battle against him?”
“She’s not over it.”
Keiko leaves after Tomoyo’s stirring performance, Jack leaves two minutes later.
* * * * * *
Downstairs Sakura grabs a brief second to hug Tomoyo, “That was beautiful!”
“Thanks. I worked hard on getting the song just right---” (hugs Sakura back) “I have to go soon, it’s almost time for the next act and I‘m needed upstairs.”
Sakura, however, wouldn‘t let go. “Why couldn’t you be my princess?”
“Oh Sakura-chan.” (the two kiss) “I’ll always be your princess. You know that.”
“Tomo-chan---” (her hands touch Tomoyo’s face) “It won’t be the same.”
“Just think of me and I’ll be there in your heart when you give that special kiss. But just to hold you over until my prince is in my arms again…” (one more kiss, softly and slowly savoring each and every second they’re together) “I have to go. Good luck.”
The two reluctantly part, each going their separate ways.
* * * * * *
Tomoyo‘s narrative continued.
“Returning to the kingdom on her sixteenth birthday, and safe in the knowledge that all the spinning wheels in the kingdom was destroyed, the King & Queen were reunited happily with their daughter who was held in hiding as a simple but happy village girl. Their daughter, as
predicted, grew to be both wise and beautiful, noble and kind.” (whispering to Kero) “She’s on.”
King - “Princess Aurora.”
Eliza, being shoved out by her “co-stars”, stumbles onto stage. She spins around to come face to face with Nina (holding DeathScyther) as she smiles at Eliza. “Go on! Your beautiful! Go get them!”
“Then don’t threaten me with that thing if you’re so confident in me.“ Eliza sighs, gritting her teeth she spins on her heels and goes into action, slowly her enthusiasm shoots right through her like rapid fire uppers as she begins to get her momentum as she approached the King and Queen. Quickly she stops, curtsies, and delivers her line perfectly. “What is it father, mother?”
That would have been excellent, perfect pitch, tone and delivery. Everything perfect.
Except she delivered the line in Amazonian, not common, which baffled everyone.
“What is she saying?”
“She’s saying everything in Amazonian.” Nina sighs, “Oh, did I forget to mention she tends to start rattling on in Amazonian if she’s highly strung out on nerves and adrenaline or having a panic attack? She does that, you know, yes she does…”
* * * * * *
“She looks great. Really, she looks great.” Kero noted, eye cocked in a rather vulcan like manner, “I have no idea what she’s saying though, but she does look great.”
Tomoyo nods her head, “I worked hard to make it look right. Nina’s costume was easier, and
Sakura’s was a labour of love. My costume was easiest because I just copied Eliza’s. Eliza’s was the hardest. She is Sakura’s…” (blinks) “…somebody’s going to tell her she’s talking in a non common language soon, won’t they?”
* * * * * *
“Why are your teeth grinding, Nina?”
“I dunno… maybe someone’s saying something about me. or Eliza, or the both of us.”
* * * * * *
King - “Uh… Princess Aurora…? Today is your 16th birthday. Is there anything you want?”
Keiko (off stage/whisper) - “A universal translator, perhaps?”
Nina (off stage/whisper) - “Shh!”
Princess Aurora (Eliza) - (translated from the Amazonian since somebody got the theater‘s translator programming in the speaker systems up and running)
“No! Elder! I want nothing more than for you and Mistress to be healthy and for our land to be at peace!”
Nina (off stage/whisper) - “Oops. Forgot. Amazonians (being one multi-gender) don’t have words for Mother or Father -- ouch.”
Queen (Rika) - “Darling Princess Aurora…? Tonight we will have a birthday party for you. Please change for it.”
Princess Aurora (Eliza) - (Amazonian) - “Yes mistress!!“ (realizing she’s talking in Amazonian she quickly storms off the set to try and calm down)
* * * * * *
“That was rather awkward and odd at the same time. Made me see parenting in a whole new light, oh yeah--- definitely.” Kero mutters, watching Eliza escape to the safety of off stage. “She panicked in the middle of ther performance! What an “ace” she is--- not.”
Narrator (Tomoyo) - “Princess Aurora returned to her room--- where she saw what was thought to be eliminated from the land---”
Princess Aurora (Eliza) - (Amazonian) - (Nina didn’t have enough time to calm her down) - “My! What is that!?“ (she charges forward hand held out)
Narrator (Tomoyo) - “Princess Aurora had never seen a spinning wheel before. Think--”
(Eliza looks at her hand, the gush of blood, and faints dead away, hand bleeding)
“Never mind---” (Tomoyo blushes)
* * * * * *
Meanwhile, back in the audience.
Umi - “Uh… is that supposed to happen?”
Gaia - “Did she kill herself? That‘d be a sad ending if she killed herself.”
After the obligatory villain appearance (Nina too distraught to play her role as she mended Eliza’s hand) the curtain fell close (for mending of the actress) and she’s set up for the sleeping scene. Another musical number takes place, everyone is put into a deep sleep,
and the play moves on--- however---
“They’re engaged you know.”
“What?” Rebecca looks over at Keiko as if she just announced that there was actually going to be a real physical sun in the sky and it’d come up tomorrow. “Who?”
“The two handmaidens who slumped on each other at the sleeping scene. They‘re engaged.” Keiko points out as the two went off stage hand in hand.
“How’d you know that (other than the whole hand holding thing)? Spill, Keiko,it’s not just because of---”
Keiko - “Remember the Lunarian festival? I saw those two paired off during an “engagement” ceremony at the temple where they swore their love and exchanged their blessings.”
Rebecca frowns. “That isn’t the mucho kinky Lunarian festival ritual where they strip naked and then do a mass orgy thing, right?”
Keiko - “Yeah. That’s it. I was renewing my vows with Eve when I saw them.”
Rebecca slaps her head on her forehead. “Sheesh. Some of us actually were too busy doing the ceremony to notice who was around us--- (I saw you there though, and it wasn’t hard since you required a clothing mistress AND a weapons master to take your stuff--- at least I left my weapons at home!)”
“First time, eh? Not that it matters since guns aren’t allowed on the temple grounds on normal days let alone festival days, anyway I noticed you were given the first timer speech and---“ (beep beep beep be--) “Is it time? It’s time?” (Keiko stands up) “Duty calls. See ya’.”
“Whatever---” (the two walk by, holding hands and looking cuddly together) “---sheesh, she was right, they do look rather close---” (sighs again) “Now I’m becoming noisy like her. Sheesh. Evil thing.”
* * * * * *
The Drama Continues---
Narrator (Tomoyo) - “The days passed…” (a light shines down on a “countryside” scene with Sakura (Prince) and Keiko (guard) wandering the hills). “…until one day a prince came to this country searching for his destiny.”
“It’s Mistress!” (Gaia) “God now I know what frozen vegetables feel like!”
“She’s beautiful. Heartwarming just to look at her beauty…” (Umi) “Which is good and all, because my blood was freezing up and I needed the warm-up.”
Servant (Keiko) - “My liege, there’s something you should see.” (waits for Sakura, nothing) “There over that hill I noticed a strange sight. A noble castle, covered in thorns, it might be the place you seek…” (nothing) “…and it’s guarded by the touch of evil…” (silence) “And some strange blonde named Nina Sakura stole your look and is prancing around in another series with a red knockoff CardCaptor Sakura outfit doing the whole Harry Potter magical witch thing and… are you home? Hello!!” (taps on head) “Earth to Prince! Am I talking to myself here!? Hello!!”
(Sakura is mesmerized by the real scenery made by the holoprojectors).
Keiko - “I know it’s super realistic and all but snap out of it please… it‘s embarrassing.”
* * * * * *
Kero - “Whoa! She looks good! But she needs to snap out of it though.”
Tomoyo nodded her head, “It took me two whole days to make that, but it was a labor of love so I didn’t mind in the slightest. I remember how long it took to get the measurements because everytime I tried I couldn’t because she was so naked and every touch lead to something else and we ended up having sex for every two measurements and it took the entire day and---” (blushes red) “---uh, never mind.”
* * * * * *
“Is this the strange castle I heard of?”
Keiko spun on Sakura with a blank expression on her face. “No it’s the local Blockbusters and we better hurry or we won’t get a copy of Superman Returns and OF COURSE IT IS!!” (sighs) “Nice to see your back to the world of the living.” (repeats her lines flawlessly and gets the proper responses this time)
Narrator (Tomoyo) - “The brave and noble prince of a faraway country had heard the rumors of a castle covered in thorns.”
Keiko (under her breath) - “The gardener must have the millennium off.”
“We have been waiting for you.”
Sakura - “Who’s there?!” (spins in shock, blade drawn, Keiko also whirls around and almost runs into Eve (fairy) falling backwards onto her rear as she jumps back in shock). “We are the fairies. We have been waiting for you.”
“Sorry about that.” Eve whispers as she pulls Keiko up, “Figured you wouldn’t look very shocked unless I gave you a real fright to help your performance along.”
“Oh, really. Broadway suits you, badly.” Keiko sighs in a slight whisper as she turns her attention back to Sakura, “A beautiful princess sleeps in this castle.”
“A princess?” (Sakura is talking to Chihiru (Fairy #1)) “In this castle covered with thorns?”
“You do know, my liege, we could just move on---” Keiko remarked, shuffling her feet as she did, “I do like being employed very much, sir, and you being dead won‘t look good on the old resume in terms of future employment and all.”
Naoko (Fairy #3) - “She sleeps, cursed by an evil witch.”
Sakura (Prince) - “That’s terrible!”
Keiko - “We could find a village with a cute farmer’s daughter and I’ll teach you the proper way to plow her sweet… ouch!”
Eve (Fairy #2) - (whisper) “Behave.” (normal voice) “If you truly wish to save the princess…” (looks at Keiko who shakes her head (‘I didn’t say anything.’)) “…then proceed.”
The vines withdraw clearing a path to the castle.
* * * * * *
Back in the audience.
“Nice effects,” Umi whistles in admiration, “but some of the casting needed a little work. (Keiko can’t seem to blend in even if her life depended on it).”
* * * * * *
Back to the play.
Fairy #2 (Eve) - “The princess is in the tower room. But be careful, the witch who cast the spell will not stand quietly by.”
(Keiko looks over at Sakura with expectant eyes)
Sakura - “I have this sword and my courage. I promise to break the princess’s curse.”
(with a tired sigh, Keiko trudges up the stairs after her “liege”) “Unemployment, here I come, right back where I started from... Happy, happy, joy, joy.”
* * * * * *
“YAH!!” (Kero) “SHE ROCKS!! YEAH!! (Keiko’s a total killjoy but Sakura rocks!!)”
Tomoyo nods her head, “Sakura’s just perfect at everything she does!”
Suddenly the door slowly opens, as Kero takes cover. “I’m not interrupting, am I?”
“Your singing earlier was quite beautiful. Your narration is excellent too. (the costumes even look excellent). I commend your great work”
“Thank you---Captain Lazarus?”
“Jack. We first met during the Fly incident, remember? Well, sorta met---” (sighs) “---anyway I’m not here to bother you as I am to ask if I can borrow Kerberos for awhile. I want to talk to him.”
Tomoyo - “There’s no one here by---”
“Oops.” (Jack smirks, smacking himself in the head) “My bad. I have gotten so used to it that I do it as a reflex.” (stops for a second) “There, my suppression of my powers is down, and the levels are coming up so even he can feel my power readings now--- as I feel his in turn.”
“Kero?” (Tomoyo whispers in shock as he comes out into plain view, a crossed expression on his face) “Hmph. Can this wait? I‘m a little busy at the moment.”
“I guess, after all I‘m in no hurry---” (points forward) “---oh, the good part’s on.”
* * * * * *
Sakura confronts Yamazaki (good vs. evil)
Sakura - “You’re the witch who cursed the princess!”
“Get him, my lackeys!”
Nina is first out of the starting gate, shocking all the “lackeys” by springing ahead full charge, only to be met by Keiko’s katana blade, the two weapons sounding off as they collide head on (sparks flying).
As Sakura has at it (playwise) against the other students, Keiko & Nina all out go at each other with real gusto and vigor that their weapons send off sparks with each strike as they pace each other and swing for a kill shot. Almost.
“Keep it tight!” Keiko hisses slightly, “I don’t want my head removed by accident!”
“I’m working on it, I’m working on it--- should have gotten Hotaru to do this role! She‘s better at this weapon than I am!” (swings again to once again be met by Keiko’s blade) “And isn’t that completely heartwarming for me to know that you might slip and gut me open
completely by accident due to your lack of skill with that---“ (Keiko stops for a second) “How indestructible is that blade again?”
“Let’s find out.”
With that Keiko jumps back to gain some space as Nina goes on the offensive, only to come charging forward again swinging left and right driving Nina back with each blow)
* * * * * *
Gaia - “Look at Mistress Sakura and Miss Keiko go! Their blood must be boiling with rage over the witch’s evil deeds!”
Umi - “Please, Gaia, don’t say “boil”--- I’m cold!”
Gaia - “Think warm thoughts--- shouldn‘t we not be---”
Umi - “I’m getting the feed from the TV broadcast for audio. Too much chit-chat around us for a clear audio broadcast.”
Gaia - “Mostly from us, right? Maybe later we can warm up by taking our clothes off and you can ‘water’ my---”
Umi - “Be nice, we‘re in public.”
* * * * * *
“Curse you--- prince---”
Yamazaki stumbles back, all his henchbeings dead, clutching his chest as he falls into the background (and onto a mattress)
Sakura, all smiles, raises her blade into the air, “I did it! I defeated the---”
The stage shakes as the “ground” shudders beneath them.
“Wh-wh-what the-?!? Earthquake???”
“Holographic projector plus live audience plus TV audience plus greedy Neko…” (“I’M NOT GREEDY!!”) “…equals trouble.”
The background shatters as fire rises from the ground, and something beneath the “stage” screams.
“What the!?”
Keiko was besides herself.
“I’m guessing we’re going to do the dragon battle scene from the movie… right about…”
A huge creature spewing flames and darkness leaps from the pit in front of them.
“…or we could be fighting a Balrog and Misho’s gone over the deep end of sanity…”
“They didn’t have Misho’s budget (or her sick twisted idea of “entertainment”) last time.”
The two find themselves staring into the huge burning creature’s blazing eyes as it tenses, preparing to attack, Keiko begins to back up only to stop. “Maybe we should leave the stage.” (Sakura)
“Not with that novashield behind us.”
“What shield?!”
Keiko quickly kicks back abit of holographic prop backwards, watching it shatter as it hit a novashield between them and the audience, causing the trademark rippling effect along the shield surface like a stone hitting a calm lake. “That shield.” (Keiko motions for Sakura’s sword) “Switch weapons! I’ll take Nina’s weapon, you take mine…” (throws sword handle first to her which Sakura snatches out of the air with one grab) “…and we’ll go at it full bully.”
“We’ll… oh, just slash it already!”
The dramatic music kicks in as they go at it with the “witch” in her “final” form.
* * * * * *
“Sakura…” Tomoyo gasps, watching the action below. “…she’s so heroic!”
“Is she going to be OK?” (Kero)
“Oh, sure, it’s only a hologram but what’s with the…” (the Balrog lets loose a torrent of flame as the two dodge, the flames spewing harmlessly against the forcefield) “Oh.”
* * * * * *
“DAMMIT!!” Umi yelled.
“Get it, Mistress! Get it!”
“FIRE!! FIRE!! (I’m freezing! Heat needed over here!! More fire!)”
“----” (Gaia)
* * * * * *
The creature rears back as it’s weapons of flame disintegrate against the weapons wielded by the heroes. Then, with a quick swipe, Sakura hurls Keiko’s sword through the “Balrog”’s head, snapping it back dramatically, sending the foul beast stumbling backwards and into the
same “pit” that Yamazaki fell into (only now it’ll fall into a “bottomless” holographic chasm).
“I was aiming for it’s arm.” Sakura whispered.
“That’s OK, that‘s OK, really that‘s just fine.” (Keiko remarks as she watches it fall away) “Anyway it’s just as well. At least it didn’t…” (Keiko stumbles as she falls towards the pit) “AGH!! IT GOT ME!! IT GOT ME!!”
Sakura panics, leaping forward arm stretched out, “KEIKO! HOLD ON! I---”
“Just kidding! Hold on.” (jumps down into the pit and comes back up with her blade) “It got caught on a rock so it’s fine. Had you going there a second though, didn’t--- ouch!” (turns to Eve) “Eve!”
“(behave).” (motions to the top) “The princess awaits.”
Sakura nods, her stomach twisting in knots and her brow covered in sweat. Slowly, and surely, she mounts the stairs and begins her long climb up. Briefly she thinks back…
* * * * * *
Sakura’s Flashback
Tomoyo, covered in the bedsheets, laughs again, motioning for Sakura. “Come on, I promise I won’t bite! You got to get this right! Mr. Terada wanted you to practice at home since… well…” (After five fumbled attempts at Sakura sheepishly trying to kiss Eliza, Mr. Terada
finally gave up and asked Tomoyo to help Sakura with her kissing scene.) “…you’ll do fine.” (Tomoyo was in a playful mood, but Sakura wasn’t)
“It’s not like before, I felt better then.”
“You didn’t have a significant other like you do now. Come on, your fair princess won’t bite if you kiss nicely.” (Tomoyo pulls the sheets up a little to playfully show Sakura a little skin) “Maybe your fair princess might even warm up abit to your charms.”
“Tomo-chan.” Sakura stammered, leaning forward only to be grabbed by Tomoyo and rolled under the sheets, until Tomoyo came up on top, grinning as she held Sakura down. “Come on. I promise it’ll be alright. Just think of me in your heart and you can do it. Just hold this image, of us kissing, and you’ll be able to do it. No butterflies, no nervousness. As long as you remember our love you’ll be able to pull this off.”
Sakura nods, nudging Tomoyo back down beneath her, and with a slight gasp she (with much anticipation) delivers her kiss, holding Tomoyo in her arms gently as she presses her lips to Tomoyo’s to give the kiss of life. Tomoyo sinks into Sakura’s grasp and sighing pleasantly. “That’s my prince.”
* * * * * *
The image of Tomoyo, smiling, waiting for Sakura’s kiss in her mind’s eye, she walked up the stage to where Eliza was “sleeping” and slowly slipped onto the bed. “Ahh! What a beautiful princess!“ (at this Eliza shudders and turns red) As Sakura beholds the older woman, she
shudders briefly, wishing in her heart that it was her Tomoyo instead of Eliza.
Fairy #1 (Chiharu) - “Only the kiss of true love can awaken the princess.”
Fairy #3 (Naoko) - “If you truly love the princess, then please---”
With that, Sakura shut her eyes, makes one final wish, then reaches out, the stage lighting glaring into her vision even with her eyes shut, making her “world” bright as she felt Eliza in her arms. There’s a tingle, and an electric shock as she draws close--- and touches her
lips to Eliza’s, a tear running down Sakura’s cheek. ‘Forgive me.’ she thinks to herself as she kissed another woman. For brief seconds she holds it, but fells the energy to continue seep in as a warming embrace fills her. Another tear rolls down Sakura’s cheek as she fells
ashamed of herself, reacting to Eliza’s kiss.
As she pulled back she sobs silently, teeth clenched. “Tomo-chan…I…?”
Quickly Sakura’s eyes shoot open, the lights dazzling her for a second, but her gaze (once recovered from the glare) comes down to stare firmly at “Tomo-chan?”
“I… wait a second… I was in the control room and now… but how?”
“I don‘t know…” An infectious smile suddenly warms Sakura’s features as she smothers Tomoyo in another kiss, tears of joy rolling down her face. Tomoyo, at first shocked, embraces Sakura and accepts the kiss and returns it fully back to Sakura. The two fall onto the bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing with great passion and vigor, the audience
and play all but forgotten.
* * * * * *
“Knew having a “understudy” was the way to go.” Eliza sighs, standing up from Tomoyo’s “place” in the control booth. “Nice teleport. Liked the fine detailed control you had over it.”
“Thank you. Figured I had to have a good reason to be up here---” Jack winks, watching Eliza leave the room, turning his attention back to Kero. “Two things, actually.”
“So it was their plan all the time to…”
“Swap places with Tomoyo so Sakura could get to kiss her one and true princess? Yes. Well--- that was Eliza & Nina’s plan. Keiko & Rebecca were kept out of the loop, ditto with Misho.”
“Think the network is having a hissy fit over this?”
“Do we care?” Jack remarks offhandedly. “Now---” (drawing closer) “---about that talk---”
* * * * * *
“I don’t care what the censors do! Pull that plug and kiss a lot of revenues GOODBYE!” Misho yells, slamming her cellphone shut hard. “Damn them, they better keep this going…” (up on stage, Sakura & Tomoyo have already started to sing the “love song” for the prince/princess at the end, comfortably laid out on the bed the two sing as they gaze into each other’s eyes and hold each other close).
“I love remarkably happy (yet kinda expected) happy endings, I even had Tomoyo write the love song because I figured they might do something like this, those hopeless romantics always sabotaging the best laid plans of Nekos. It’s good--- good for ratings that‘ll make
me a mint from happy people wanting to buy Sakura Prince & Tomoyo Princess merchandise! I‘m--- so choked up--- my rating (and revenue) numbers for this event are going to be the best Christmas present ever! I‘m so happy!”
Keiko sighs, putting her katana back in it’s sheathe, “Gee, your all heart aintcha.”
* * * * * *
Meanwhile, back in the control room.
Jack sits down, leaning back in his chair as he stares at Kerberos.
“I know you don’t remember how it ended before… but maybe that should change… just in case.”
“Just in case of what?!” (Kero was a little miffed now) “You have very strong magic, I can see that, but this has something to do with HER doesn’t it? This pickle… pika…”
“Piccadello. Catherine Piccadello,” Jack reminded him, “and yes it has a lot to do with her, which is to say not exclusively does this have anything to do with her, but it has a good deal to do with her.”
Kero - “What does that mean?”
Jack - “There’s more to Piccadello’s role in the events that lead to now than you think, Kerberos.” (silence as Jack thinks for a second) “She’s the one that help make this love possible--- between Sakura & Tomoyo I mean. And though their love is now unbreakable, she still has a role to play, and therein lies a bit of a quandary and possibly even a threat that even myself nor Ms. Mitsuki can yet forsee or even think of countering at this point. Catherine Piccadello--- or what Piccadello did--- may yet have dire consequences.”
“But she’s still allowed to be near Sakura & Tomoyo? That doesn‘t make any sense!” Kero challenges, to which Jack shakes a finger at him in an accusing manner. “Temper, temper. So judgmental are you? You should know better about judging someone guilty before they can even prove their innocence. Mind you, though, Piccadello didn’t do it out of spite or any truly evil intent. She did it out of a desire to do something for the two out of good intentions.” (Jack stops for a second, turning his gaze onto Kerberos) “Then again--- the road to hell is often paved with “good intentions“.”
Kero didn‘t know what that meant, wings fluttering as he regarded Jack with a severe expression, “What is she doing here? Now!?”
“I don’t know.” Jack admits, watching the end of the musical as he talks, “I think it’s because she was assigned here, but even then after her experience the first time she could have easily bowed out and she wouldn’t have been thought the worst of for doing so. Something other than mere duty is keeping her here--- but that is something only Piccadello knows for sure. All I know is she’s here, and her involvement the last time sets up a bit of a sticky wicket to figure out.”
Kero - “Will there be a final judgment after the Clow cards are gathered?”
Jack - “No. And if there is it won’t be aimed at Sakura. She proved herself to be mistress of the cards once, she won’t have to do so twice. But still, maybe there might be a judgment of sorts but what form that judgment will take is something even I can’t predict as this time.”
“Have you told Sakura any of this?”
“No.” Jack shook his head, “I’ve been staying out of her way all this time. It’s best if she doesn’t know more than she needs to at this time. It’s better for her that way.” (smiles) “Anyway you know as well as I do that she’ll figure it out eventually on her own, right Kerberos?”
Silence, then--- “I know. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still worried about her.”
“You wouldn’t be much of a friend to her if you weren’t worried---” (motions for Kero to draw closer) “---and confidentially speaking? I’m a little worried to, but only because as a distant friend I feel obliged to show concern for her safety even if I already convinced
myself that she’ll be OK.”
“---then we’re even---”
“I guess so.” Jack leans back again, watching the final encore song begin. “Is there anything to eat after the show? I’m starved.”
“Amen to that. I could go for food right about now (hungry!)”
* * * * * *
The next day a cast party was going to be held to celebrate the success of the event, but tonight since everything ran late they were just going to head home. Umi & Gaia cuddled and caressed each other in the back of the huge car all the way home. Though---
Nina - “Are you two cuddling or trying to start a fire?”
Umi - “C-c-cold! Must warm up!”
Gaia - “I can’t feel my rear! More heat!”
Nina - “Anymore heat and we’ll start to choke on the hot air---”
As for Sakura & Tomoyo? They cuddled together but more from the warmth of their kissing and cuddling in the play that carried them to the car than any feeling of actually being cold. The two didn’t say a word, and it seemed they didn’t need to as their hugs and kisses did all the talking for them.
Umi & Gaia emulated the two mostly because it looked rather warm.
The ride back to the Daidouji mansion was rather quiet except for the occasional complaint and Kero’s stomach grumbling. They picked up take out on the way home and everyone ate when they got back. Tomoyo & Sakura ate upstairs in Sakura’s private kitchen and they retired early to bed.
* * * * * *
Sakura sighed, she couldn’t sleep.
Over on the chairs, hung neatly, was her and Tomoyo’s costumes from the play.
“Like a dream.”
“What is?” (a sleepy Tomoyo rolls over, nudging Sakura slightly as she asks the question)
“---us--- it’s like a dream. I mean, I never even realized how much such a simple thing like a kiss could mean to me until--- I mean--- well--- you know what I mean--- but I want to say---” (Tomoyo presses two fingers to Sakura’s lips, hushing her) “You’ll find the words when the time is right. Don’t worry.”
“I want to find the words now---”
“It’s late, we better get to sleep for class tomorrow---” Tomoyo kisses Sakura on the forehead in an effort to chase away the brown haired girl’s pouty expression, “You’ll find the words when the time’s right. Trust me--- now is my precious going to sleep or do I have to
get rough?”
“Ok--- Ok---” (smiles) “---good night---”
“Good night.” (Kisses Sakura again, this time deeper and more passionately, rolling her over into her waiting arm to hold Sakura tight as they drifted back to sleep.
* * * * * *
The vision.
A figure in shadows, wearing a cape and sitting on the roof of the Daidouji estates.
He was watching her.
Sakura looks up, noticing for the first time Lunaris in the sky above. “But it’s night---”
“Lunaris sometimes appears in people’s visions regardless of time.”
Sakura looks around, but no one. The voice was coming from everywhere and yet nowhere.
“Sakura--- it’s not time yet---” (the voice calls to her) “---we’ll talk again soon. Sakura--- Sakura--- Sak---” (silence) “Sakura?”
“Who are---”
Sakura’s eyes lazily drift open, coming face to face with a wide eyed and curious Rebecca staring at her from in front of her desk. “ACK!”
“I know the colonization period of the 21st Century is a tad dry and boring but still---” (Rena smiles as she rests her head on Sakura’s desk, looking at her sideways. “Have a nice nap?”
“I-I’M SORRY!!!”
“ACK!” (Keiko jumps back with a start, waking out of her own stupor to come crashing to the floor in an awkward way) “---ouch---”
“Well I’m glad someone over there had worst falls than that in her life--- still---” (a smile creeps across Rena’s face) “---that was worth it. Thanks, Sakura.” (stops) “You have practice today?”
“Then cuddle and snooze at home please, thanks.” (walks back to the board) “And that goes double for you, Miss blades!”
“---oh shove it---” Keiko hisses as she pulls herself back into her chair.
The day was nearly done, and they were going to the party for the cast members of the play next.
Misho was holding it at a room in the huge Convention Center she built in downtown Tokyo, and went through a lot of trouble to make it a hot ticket event. Still--- Suddenly Sakura noticed Rebecca was next to her again, “I’m awake!”
Rebecca leans over and whispers to her, “I noticed how beautiful you are when your sleeping. So very very cute--- Nina doesn‘t know anything. Snoozer indeed. Your so very---” (Rebecca reaches a hand out, but stops) “---I’m jealous.” (with that Rebecca retreats without another word said, leaving Sakura confused.)
* * * * * *
“Rebecca said that to you?” Tomoyo asked, her face filled with curiosity. “Why?”
“I don’t know---” (class had dismissed and the two were walking to the party) “---but I have this strange feeling---”
“Uh oh.” Tomoyo stops, looking a little concerned, “When you feel like that something is going to happen. Is there a card nearby?”
“I don’t know--- I can’t explain it but---”
“Give it time then.” (Tomoyo takes Sakura’s hand as she steps past her) “It’ll come to you.”
Suddenly Sakura stops, her head looking upwards, “Rebecca?!”
Sitting perched in a tree, Rebecca watches as the two draws near, dropping down in front of them as they draw close. She reaches into a pocket and withdraws two things, a Seeker, and a wristband with a jewel setting. “Got something for you, Tomoyo. Merry Christmas.”
“Thanks.” Tomoyo accepts gracefully, her expression turning curious as Rebecca pushes the Seeker sphere towards her. “Your Seeker?”
“Yours. It took me awhile but I found another Seeker, it’s yours. Figure it’ll come in handy.”
“---why thank you---” Tomoyo whispers, bowing as she accepts the mystical object. “How do I take it home? In my bag?”
“Tap it to the crystal on the wristband. It’s a storage device, it’ll hold anything you want in it.”
“How practical!” Tomoyo gleefully remarks, tapping the sphere onto the wristband where it’s enveloped in a field of light and swallowed into the jewel setting. “How do I---”
“Tap the jewel and think of what you want, and it’ll come out. Easy as that. And oh, I didn't forget you Sakura.” (draws a Clow Card out and shows it to her) "The Sh---" (Rebecca quickly clamps Sakura's mouth shut) "Shhh!! It's sleeping--- don't say it's name or it's bang-bang-I think I'm dead, Ma'am." (Sakura sheepishly nods as she puts the card away) "See? Even a doofus like me can catch a Clow Card when it's fast asleep." (smirks at her own witty remark) "Well, nuff of that. Let's go, I heard the party is going to feature a hundred kinds of frosted sugary hells to tempt and lord knows I don't want to miss THAT. Let's---" (Sakura’s hand grasps Rebecca’s arm) “---?--- what is it?”
“Rebecca--- about earlier. What did you mean?”
“About what?” Rebecca asked with genuine interest. "What are you---?"
“When you said you thought I was beautiful, and was jealous.”
“But I didn’t say---” (stops, face flushes slightly) “---I was down with Misho preparing for the party so I asked Catherine to sit in my class for me because I knew I wouldn't make it back in time and---” (a slight irked expression passes over Rebecca’s face) “Did she take my
form? That---” (?) “---what was she---”
“Uh--- nothing. Never mind. Forget about it.” (Rebecca backs away, waving at the two) “Better hurry before the party starts without us! Come on! Cakes won't wait forever!”
“But Rebe---”
“She’s gone.” Tomoyo notices, watching her speed off. “What was that all about?”
“---I don’t know---”
As the two walk away hand-in-hand, on top of one of the school buildings Catherine watches, her hands clenched together as if she was wringing them, watching as Sakura & Tomoyo walked away.
“---goddess I am jealous--- aw man---” Catherine sighs, wrapping her arms around herself trying to keep the chill out. However, unknown to her, someone else watches her from behind just out of her sensory range---
* * * * * *
Meanwhile--- The Shining Star International Spaceport
(The Dream Continent of Hong Kong)
“I’d have to say I’m a little surprised your going so soon after your promotion.” Xai Shar (the 5th Judgment of the Shining Star) remarked, her long hair cascading down her back as she shook her head back and forth, her Palominian features (animorphic horse/human female
features) sweating slightly as she regarded her companion. “You’re the youngest girl I’ve seen rise to the rank of 11th Judgment. It takes some ages to rise the ranks but you’ve done it remarkably fast for one so young.”
Silence, her companion seemed too intent on her ticket to notice. She only noded her head at Xai Shar’s remarks. “And what of your mentor? The one you told me about? Will she be there?”
“Yes. She‘s always been there--- in Nippon.”
“And this boy--- I mean man you told me about? Isn’t he leaving also for---”
“He is.” She quickly responded, cutting the conversation on him short. Xai nods her head, pushing the topic of “him” aside. “Will you be gone long?”
“Not long. Not until I help Sempai recapture those annoying cards and returned home again.”
“Well, whatever possessed you to do this I wish you the best--- so long, Meilin.”
Meilin smiles, her Judgment uniform feeling very comfortable as she gives her companion a hug goodbye. “Think Sempai will be surprised I’m visiting?”
“Before or after you tell her the good news?”
“She might be a little disagreeable---” (smirks) “---but this time I’m not taking no for an answer! Before next year is out I‘m going to be a married woman and she---” (smiles) “---you know the rest.”
Ten minutes later her flight leaves, destination - Tokyo.
End of Remastered II
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
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