Image of the Day

Image of the Day

Thursday, November 29, 2007

First of the BookMooch books arrives.

After mailing out a dozen books (and packing up another dozen to go next week), the first of the books arrive! That means it's time to start preparing positive feedback and... score?

I am about to plunge into the scoring system for positive feedback but here's my first inclinations for positive feedback points.

Points for first books of the year cycle.
+5 for first book of the year sent in
+4 for second book of the year sent in
+3, +2 and +1 for third fourth and fifth books sent in (in that order).

Points for time taken to arrive.
+3 for arrival within 10 days
+2 for arrival within 11 to 20 days
+1 for arrival within 21 to 31 days

Extra Effort Points +2

No points will be negative points... why should they, all my gripes and complaints are with the US Postal Service, not individual people!

Speaking of something I will have no gripes about... (look one post above this one).

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