Image of the Day

Image of the Day

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Change of Name

In the end I changed the name of the title I was working on.
Now completed it is called "Just Happy To See Her".
Weird title, maybe, but it's now submitted and represents the second title I am waiting for word on in terms of finding a possible publisher.

Next book I'm working on is still kicking around my mind, but right now the top thought in my head is a possible fetish book of sorts. Maybe.

Right now I'm going to focus on reviews and work for while I consider my next book. I'd actually like to try and get Duet published, now that I think about it, but I am presently pitching to a few fantasy/sci-fi erotica companies so I need to find a down to earth Erotica company to pitch Duet to.

If anyone has any suggestions feel free to drop a line and let me know what you think is a good place to try my luck with.

It's been awhile since I sent out the first one... not too long but I should have an update on Freelancers soon (one way or another). Stay tuned for updates.

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